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Pilgrim Badges

Pilgrim badges were sold in the medieval period as souvenirs of pilgrimage. All of the badges below are accurate copies of surviving pewter artefacts. For information on the history of pilgrim badges please refer to the ‘History’ section of the website. Devotional badges are also included in this section.

P32-Saint Catherine, Abbey St Catherine-du-Mont, Rouen
P32-Saint Catherine, Abbey St Catherine-du-Mont, Rouen

P32-Saint Catherine, Abbey St Catherine-du-Mont, Rouen

Saint Catherine of Alexandria was one of the most popular of medieval saints. She was martyred in the 4th century for her Christian belief by order of the Emperor Maximinus. According to legend she was condemned to die on a wheel, but, at her touch, this instrument of torture was miraculously destroyed. She was then beheaded with a sword, after which her body was miraculously transported to mount Sinai, where later a church and monastery were built in her honour. The badge depicts the saint holding her emblems of a wheel and sword.

Late 14th- 15th cent.

25x 42mm Standing figure of the saint with her emblems of the sword and wheel.
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